Name Nanny since 1996 since 2012
Names of Glassware
Beer stein: 12 - 16 oz. Can be made of glass or stoneware. They are large with a straight handle and have a lid with a hinge.
Chalice: Can be various sizes. They have a foot and stem, often made of metal. Some have handles and similar to a wine glass.
Sake sets: Sake sets are usually ceramic, but may be made of glass. The set consists of a small flask, which is usually rounded with a narrow neck, and four cups, which are usually shaped like small bowls or short, round glasses.
Tankard: 12 - 16 oz. The modern-day beer stein. They are large and cylindrical and may have a hinged lid. Can be made of silver, pewter or glass.
Collins glass: 10 - 12 oz. Slightly taller and thinner then a high-ball glass but similar in shape.
Dizzy cocktail glass: 8 0z. V-shaped with a rounded base.
Highball glass: 8 - 12 oz. They are straight-sided and tall glasses with a thick bottom.
Juice glass: 6 oz. Usually small and straight-sided. They also come in other shapes as well.
Old-fashioned glass: 6 to 8 oz. Short, with a thick bottom. Sometimes called a lowball glass.
Shot glass: 1.5 oz. Small, straight-sided or V-shaped. Used for measuring alcohol when mixing cocktails.
Whiskey tumbler: 6 oz. This is a small glass with no stem. Bowl shaped. The base can be either flat or have a small foot.
Pilsner glass: 10 oz. Tall, slender and tapers towards the bottom. Most have a small foot.
Pint glass: 20 imperial ounces. 16 U.S. oz. or a British pint. Come in a variety of shapes and taper towards the bottom.
Pony glass: 5 oz. Looks like a small beer glass or old-fashioned glass.
Champagne coupe: 6 - 9 oz. It is wide and shallow. It has a long stem with a foot.
Champagne flute: 6 - 8 oz. Has a long stem and a narrow shape rising up to a slightly narrowed lip.
Cocktail glass: 4 - 8 oz. V-shaped with a stem. Sometimes called a martini glass.
Cordial: 1 - 2 oz. Look like small wine glasses.
Sherbet: ? oz. Short with a foot and a wide bowl. Used for deserts.
Sherry glass: 2 - 4 oz. A tapered top, stem and a foot.
Snifter: 8 - 12 oz. It has a bowl with a short stem and foot.
Wine glass: 8 - 12 oz. They have medium sized bowl with a long stem and foot. Red wine glasses are fatter and rounder than white wine glasses.
Glass is made by heating sand (ordinary sand will work) to a temperature of 1700°C (3090°F). Sand is mostly made of silicon dioxide and is melted until it turns into a liquid.