Girl Names
Girl Names
ABIGAIL - Hebrew: My father is joy.
ACACIA - Greek: From the Acacia tree, thorny.
ADA - Teutonic: Happy, joyful and free.
ADABELLE - Teutonic/French: Joyful and beautiful. A combination of Ada and Belle.
ADAH - Hebrew: A beautiful addition.
ADALIA - Old German: The noble one to be admired.
ADAMINA - Latin: A feminine form of Adam.
ADAR - Hebrew: The fire, warmth.
ADELAIDE - Teutonic: One who is of a noble position.
ADELE - Old German: Noble.
ADELPHA - Greek: One who is like a sister.
ADINE - Hebrew: Delicate, of delicacy and fragility.
ADONA - Greek: One having the aspect and presence of God.
ADORA - Teutonic: The beloved, or adored one.
ADORABELLE - Latin/French: A beautiful gift.
ADRIA - Latin: Dark one.
ADRIENNE - Latin: A woman who is from the sea.
AFFRICA - Celtic: One with a pleasing personality.
AFTON - English: After the Afton River, which flows through England's West Country.
AGALI - Wolof West African: A tribal name meaning welcome, or welcoming.
AGATHA - Greek: A woman of goodness.
AGNES - Greek: Pure one.
AIDA - Latin: From the verb help.
AIDAN - Gaelic: The little fire.
AIKO - Japanese: The beloved one.
AILEEN - Hebrew: Irish: Light bearer.
AILSA - Teutonic: A cheerful girl, or happiness.
AIMEE - French: She who is beloved.
AISLINN - Irish Gaelic: vision or dream.
ALAINE - A Greek form of Helen, or feminine form of Alan. See Helen or Alan.
ALAINNA - An english form Alanna. See Alanna.
ALANA - Celtic: She who's from a distant place.
ALANNA - Irish Gaelic: Bright, fair, beautiful, harmonious. A feminine form of Alan.
ALBERTA - Teutonic: Noble, brilliant, outstanding.
ALCINA - Greek: Strong-minded.
ALDA - Old German: She who is old or long lived.
ALDONZA - Spanish: The sweet one, sweetness.
ALDORA - Greek: She who is a winged gift.
ALESIA - Greek: helper.
ALETHEA - Greek: The truthful one.
ALEXANDRA - Greek: Helper and defender of mankind.
ALICE - Greek: Truthful one.
ALIDA - Greek: One who garbs herself in beautiful raiments.
ALISA - Modern Hebrew: A joy.
ALISON - Irish Gaelic: Little truthful one.
ALLEGRA - Italian: Cheerful, gay
ALMA - Latin: The warm-hearted one.
ALMIRA - Arabic: She who is exalted, a hailed princess.
ALPHA - Greek: The first letter of the alphabet, the beginning.
ALTHEA - Greek: The hollyhock bush, or healing.
ALURA - Old English: She who gives devine advice, a devine councelor.
ALVA - Latin: She who has fair complexion, or having blonde hair.
ALVINA - Teutonic: One who is beloved by all.
ALYN - Celtic: A feminine form of Alan. See Alan.
AMABEL - Latin: A most lovable one.
AMANDA - Latin: worthy of love, lovable, loved, and esteemed.
AMARA - Greek: Eternal.
AMARANTA - Spanish: From the flowering plant of the same name.
AMARYLLIS - Latin: For the delicately colored lily.
AMBER - Old French: The amber jewel.
AMBROSIA - Greek: The food of the gods.
AMELIA - Teutonic: The industrious one, or hard working.
AMENA - Celtic: An honest woman.
AMETHYST - Greek: Wine colored, like the semi-precious stone of the same name.
AMITA - Hebrew: The truth, or truthfulness.
AMITY - Old French: Friendship.
AMMA - Arabic: A servant.
AMY - French: Beloved.a friend.
ANABEL - Hebrew: A variation of Ann. See Ann.
ANAIS - Hebrew: Full of grace, or grace.
ANASTASIA - Greek: Of the Resurrection.
ANDREA - Latin: Womanly.
ANEMONE - Greek: Breath, or the flower of the same name.
ANGELA - Greek: Angel or messenger.
ANGELICA - Latin: Angelic one.
ANIKA - West African Vai Tribe: Very beautiful, rivaling the sun in her beauty.
ANITA - Hebrew: She who is favored by God.
ANN - Hebrew: Graceful one.
ANNUNCIATE - Latin: The news bearer, the bringer of good tidings.
ANSELMA - Teutonic: The protectress, the guardian.
ANTHEA - Greek: Like a flower.
ANTOINETTE - Latin: Feminine form of Anthony. See Anthony.
ANTONIA - Latin: inestimable, priceless.
AOLANI - Hawaiian: A cloud from the heavens.
APHRODITE - Greek: The goddess of love.
APRIL - Latin: Opening; born in April.
ARABELLA - Latin: A beautiful altar; or German: The beautiful eagle.
ARDELIA - Latin: Zealous, or intense.
ARETHUSA - Greek: A nymph in the mythology of Ancient Greece.
ARGENTA - Latin: The silvery one.
ARIADNE - Greek: The devine one, or the holy one.
ARIANA - Latin: Very holy or very pleasing one.
ARIEL - Hebrew: Ethereal.
ARLENE - Irish Gaelic: A pledge.
ARLET - Hindi: An East Indian spice.
ARLINE - German: Girl.
ASHANTI - West African: One who is from the Ashanti Tribe.
ASIA - Of the continent.
ASSIA - Hebrew: To perform or to take action.
ASTRID - Norse: Devine strength, devine power.
ATHALIA - Hebrew: God is exalted.
ATHENA - Greek: The goddess of wisdom and civilization.
ATIRA - Hebrew: Prayer.
AUDREY - English: The strong one, noble.
AUGUSTA - Latin: Revered or sacred.
AURELIA - Latin: Golden.
AURORA - Latin: Golden dawn.
AUTUMN - A name after the season.
AVA - Latin: Like a bird.
AVALON - Latin: An island.
AYANNA - West African: For the tribe of the same name.
AYLA - Hebrew: Oak tree.
AZELIN - Hebrew: One who is spared by Jehovah.
AZIZA - Swahili: Precious one.
AZURE - Persian: Sky blue.
BAIRN - Scottish: A colloguial namefor a child.
BAMBINA - Italian: Girl child.
BARBARA - Latin: Stranger, foreigner.
BATHSHEBA - Hebrew: The fulfillment of a vow.
BEATRICE - Latin: She who makes other people happy.
BELINDA - Old Spanish: Beautiful, pretty.
BELLE - French: The beautiful one.
BENITA -Latin: A feminine form of Benedict. See Bennedict.
BERNADETTE - French: Brave as a bear.
BERNICE - Greek: Harbinger of victory.
BETH - English form of Bethel. See Bethel. Also a shortform for Elizabeth. See Elizabeth.
BERTHA - Teutonic: Bright or shining.
BERYL - A dazzling jewel.
BESS - A short form for Elizabeth. See Elizabeth.
BETHANY - Hebrew: A worshiper of God.
BETHEL - Hebrew: House of God.
BETSY - A short form for Elizabeth. See Elizabeth.
BEULAH - Hebrew: The married one.
BEVERLY - Anglo-Saxon: A woman who resides by the meadow of the beavers.
BIANCA - Italian: White.
BIBI - French: A toy, a bauble.
BILLIE - A feminine form of William. See William.
BLAIR - Teutonic, Celtic: From the plains.
BLANCHE - French: White.
BLAZE - Old English: Flame.
BLISS - Anglo-Saxon: She who brings total joy.
BLYTHE - Anglo-Saxon: She who is full of joy.
BO - Chinese: The precious one.
BONITA - Spanish: Pretty.
BONNIE - Middle English: Good one.
BRANDY - Dutch: From the sweet strong liquor.
BREE - Middle English: Broth.
BRENDA - Irish Gaelic: Little raven.
BRIANNA - Irish Gaelic: Strong one. A feminine form of Brian.
BRIDGET - Irish Gaelic: Protective, strong.
BRIER - French: Heather, after the ground covering plant.
BRINA - Slavic: The protector.
BRITTANY - Latin: From England.
BROOKE - Old English: From the brook.
BRUNHILDA - Teutonic: The armed warrior, or powerful woman.
BUNNY - A form of Barbara. See Barbara.
BUTTERFLY - Old English: Named after the delicate butterfly.
CAITLIN - An Irish form of Catherine. See Catherine
CALANTHA - Greek: She who's like a lovely blossom.
CALIA - Greek: Beautiful, or beauty.
CALLAN - Middle English: To scream.
CALLIOPE - Greek: She who has a beautiful voice.
CALYPSO - Greek: One who is married and joyful, or an orchid.
CAMILLE - Latin: Young ceremonial attendant.
CAMISHA - West African: She who belongs to the tribe with the same name.
CANDACE - Greek: Glittering, glowing white.
CARA - Italian: dear, beloved one, or Irish Gaelic: friend, or Vietnamese: precious stone
CARESSE -French: Endearing one.
CARISSA - Latin: Dear, or artful one.
CARITA - Latin: She who is beloved.
CARLA - Anglo-Saxon: A feminine form of Charles. See Charles.
CARLIN - A form of Caroline. See Caroline.
CARLY - Teutonic: Little womanly one.
CARMA - Sanskrit: Fate or destiny.
CARMEL - Hebrew: Garden, or God's vineyard.
CARMEN - Latin: A song.
CAROL - Latin: Strong and womanly.
CAROLINE - Latin-French: Little womanly one.
CASEY - Irish Gaelic: Valorous, brave, watchful.
CASSANDRA - Greek: Helper of men.
CASSIDY - Irish: Ingenious, clever one.
CATHERINE - Greek: Pure one.
CATRIONA: Anglicized form of Gaelic names Caitriona (Scottish and Irish). Both are a form of Katherine.
CECILE - A form of Cecilia. See Cecilia.
CECILIA - Latin: Dim-sighted one.
CELESTE - Latin: She who is from the heavens.
CHANDRA - Sanskrit: She who is famous.
CHANTAL - Latin: Like a song.
CHARITY - Latin: Kindness, affection.
CHARLENE - A form of Caroline and Charlotte. See Caroline and Charlotte.
CHARLOTTE - French: Little womanly one.
CHASITY - Latin: She who is pure.
CHELSEA - Old English: A port of ships.
CHERIE - French: Dear, cherished , beloved one.
CHERRY - Old North French: Cherry-like.
CHERYL - French: Beloved, dear.
CHRISTINE - French: Christian.
CHUMANI - North American Sioux Indian: Dewdrop.
CICELY - A form of Cecile. See Cecile.
CLARA - Latin: Clear.
CLARISSA - Latin: Most brilliant one.
CLAUDIA - Latin: The lame one.
CLEMENTINE - LAtin: The merciful one.
CLIO - Greek: To celebrate.
CLOTILDA - Old German: Heroine.
CLOVER - Anglo-Saxon: A flower from the meadow.
CODY - Old English: A cushion.
COLETTE - Greek-French: Victorious army.
COLLEEN - Irish Gaelic: Girl, maiden.
CONCEPCION - Spanish: For the Immaculate Conception of Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ.
CONSTANCE - Late Latin: (Constantia). Constancy or firmness.
CONSTANT - Medieval Late Latin: Constantis, Constans. Steadfast.
CORA - Greek: Fair maiden.
CORAL - Greek: She who is from the coral of the reefs.
CORINNE - Greek: The maiden.
CORISSA - Latin-Greek: Most maidenly.
COSIMA - Greek: For the universe, or harmony.
COURTNEY - Old French: Dweller at the court or farmstead.
CRYSTAL - Latin: Clear as a crystal.
CYBIL - Latin: A soothsayer,or astrologer, a forecaster of the future.
CYNTHIA - Greek: The moon.
DAFFODIL - She who is named after the yellow, trumpet-shaped flower.
DAGMAR - Teutonic: The bright day.
DAISY - Middle English: The eye of the day.
DALE - Old English: From the valley.
DANA - Celtic: From Denmark.
DANIELLE - Hebrew: God is my judge.
DAPHNE - Greek: laurel or bay tree; laurel maiden; victorious.
DARA - Hebrew: House of compassion or wisdom.
DARCIE - Old French: From the fortress.
DARCY - The dark one, someone with dark complexion or hair.
DARICE - Persian: She who is like a queen.
DARLENE - Old Anglo-French: Little dear one, little darling.
DARU - Hindi: She who is from the cedar tree.
DAVIDA - A feminine form of David. See David.
DAWN - Old English: The dawn of day.
DEANNA - A form of Diana or Dinah. See Diana or Dinah.
DEBORAH - Hebrew: The bee.
DEBRA - A variant of Deborah. See Deborah
DEEPA - Hindi: Named after the Hindu god of that name.
DELIA - Greek: She who is from the Greek island of Delos.
DEIRDRE - Gaelic: Named after figure of Celtic mythology, Deirdre of the Sorrows.
DELILAH - Hebrew: The broading one.
DELTA - Greek: A door, or the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet.
DEMELZA - Cornish: No Meaning. Derived from a place name in the parish of St. Columb Major. Grew popularity in the 1950's from a heroine in a British television sitcom from the 'Poldark' novels by Winston Graham.
DEMETRA - A form of Demetria. See Demetria.
DEMETRIA - Greek: Belonging to Demeter, Greek fertility goddess.
DENA - Teutonic: Valley; or Hebrew: Vindicated.
DENICE - French: A feminine form of Dennis.
DENISE - French: Adherent of Dionysus, Greek god of wine.
DESIREE - French: Desired, longed for.
DEVA - Sanskrit: The devine one.
DEVIN - Gaelic: A poet.
DIANA - Latin: The archer, devine, or divine goddess of the hunt.
DIANE - Latin: Goddess, devine one.
DINAH - Hebrew: She who is judged.
DOANNA - American: A combination of Dorthy and Anna.
DODIE - Hebrew: Friend, or a variant of Dorothy. See Dorothy.
DOLLY - Greek: A short form for Dorothy. See Dorothy.
DOLORES - Spanish: Sorrows.
DOMINIQUE - French: She who belongs to God.
DONNA - Italian: Lady.
DORA - Greek: A gift of God.
DORCAS - Greek: Gazelle.
DOREEN - Irish Gaelic: The sullen one.
DORIS - Greek: From the ocean, bountiful. Also Hawaiian: From the sea.
DOROTHY - Greek: Gift of god.
DULCE - Latin: Sweet, or sweetness.
DURENE - Latin: She who is everlasting, durable.
DUSTY - Origin is unkown. Possibly a nickname for Dustin.
DYAN - Latin: Goddess; devin one.
DYSIS - Greek: Sunset, therefore this name is often given to girls born to older parents.
EARLENE - A feminine form of Earl.
EARTHA - Old English: The ground of the earth.
EBONY - Greek: She who is named after the dark wood, or strength.
EDA - Anglo-Saxon: She who is wealthy and happy.
EDEN - Hebrew: Delight, pleasure.
EDITH - Old English: Rich gift.
EDNA - Hebrew: Rejuvenation.
EDREA - Teutonic: A prosperous or wealthy woman.
EDWINA - Scottish: A friend who prospers.
EILEEN - Irish Gaelic: Light. The Irish form of Helen.
EFFIE - Greek: She who is spoken well of.
ELAINE - English variation of Helen: See Helen.
ELEANOR - Old French: Light. An old form of Helen.
ELENA - Italian, Spanish variation of Helen: See Helen.
ELITA - Old French: The choosen one
ELKE - A variation of Alexandra or Alice. See Alexandra or Alice.
ELYSSA - English variation of Elizabeth: See Elizabeth.
ELIZABETH - Hebrew: Consecrated to God.
ELLEN - English variation of Helen: See Helen.
ELMIRA - Old English: Noble famous one.
ELOISE - French: A form of Louise. See Louise.
ELSA - Old German: Noble one.
ELSIE - Old German: Elsa Noble one. Also a German, Dutch, or Danish variation of Elizabeth.
ELU - North American Zuni Indian: Pretty, or full of grace.
ELVINA - Anglo-Saxon: A friend of the elves.
ELVIRA - Latin: White, blonde.
ELYSIA - Latin: Sweetly blistful.
EMERALD - Middle English: She who is named from the brilliant green gemstone.
EMILY - Gothic: Industrious one.
EMMA - Old German: Universal one.
ENID - Latin: A quiet woman.
ERICA - Old Norse: Ever powerful; ever ruler.
ERIN - Irish Gaelic: From Ireland.
ERMA - Old German: Army maid.
ESME - Old French: She who is held in great esteem.
ESTELLE - Latin: Star.
ESTHER - Persian: Star.
ETHEL - Old English: Nobel one.
EUGENIA - Greek: She who is high born.
EURIDICE - Expensive justice.
EVANGELINE - She who is like an angel.
EVE - Hebrew: Life-giving.
EVELYN - English variation of Eve; Also Irish Gaelic: Light. A form of Helen.
FABIA - Latin: Bean grower.
FAITH - Middle English: Fayth. Ever true, always faithful.
FALA - North American Choctou Indian: A crow.
FALLON - Modern U.S.: No Meaning was ever specified.
FANCHON - French: An old French derivative of Frances. Francoise. Free.
FARIDA - Syrian: The unique one, or special one.
FARRAH - Modern U.S.: Derived from a surname.
FATIMA - Arabic: Muhammad's daughter of the prophet.
FAWN - Latin: A young deer.
FAY - Old French: Fae. A fairy or elf. Also Irish Gaelic: Raven.
FELICE - Latin: Felicia. Happy one.
FELICIA - A form of Felice. See Felice.
FERN - Old English: Named from the fern plant.
FIONA - Irish Gaelic: Fair one. Also Greek: violet.
FLORA - Latin: Little flower.
FLORENCE - Latin: Blooming , flourishing, prosperous.
FLORIDA - Latin: One who is flourishing, or blossoming.
FORTUNE - Latin: Fate, destiny.
FRANCES - Latin: Free one, or from France.
FREDERICA - German: A feminine form of Frederick.
FRIEDA - Old German: Peaceful one.
GABRIELLE - Hebrew: Heroine of God, God gives me strength.
GAFNA - Hebrew: Vine.
GAIL - Old English: Gay, lively one.
GAY - Old French: Bright and lively.
GELSEY - Italian: Jasmine.
GEN - Japanese: Source of the spring.
GENEVIEVE - French: Humble.
GEORGIA - Latin: Farmer.
GEORGINA - A feminine form of George.
GERMAINE - French: She who is exquisite.
GERTRUDE - Teutonic: An esteemed, hailed warrior.
GILDA - Celtic: She who is the servant of God.
GIN - Japanese: Silver.
GILLIAN - Latin: Youthful, downy-haired one.
GINGER - Latin: Ginger spice or ginger flower.
GISELLE - Teutonic: A promise.
GLADYS - Welsh: A form of Claudia. See Claudia. Also, Anglo-Saxon: A sword.
GLENDA - Old Welsh: Irish Gaelic: Ghleanna. Dweller in a valley or glen.
GLENNA - Gaelic: The woman from the glen, or valley.
GLENYS - Welsh: She who is beautiful and holy.
GLORIA - Latin: Glory, or glorious one.
GOLDA - Teutonic: She who is of golden color.
GRACE - Latin: Graceful, attractive one.
GREER - Scottish: A femimine form of Gregor. See Gregor.
GRETA - A variation of Margaret. See Margaret.
GRETEL - Old English: A woman of greatness.
GRISELDA - Teutonic: A folk heroine of endless patience; or French: gray, or grizzled.
GUDRUN - Scandinavian: A friend, faithful ally.
GUINEVERE - Old Welsh: White wave, white phantom.
GUNILLA - Old German: A female worrior, mighty fighter.
GURL - Hindi: The Hindu goddess of plenty.
GWENDOLYN - Old Welsh: White-haired one; lady of the new vision.
GWYNETH - Welsh: A fortunate child, blessed.
GYPSY - English: A wanderer, footloose.
HADASSAH - Hebrew: Myrtle tree.
HALEY - Norse: A heroine, victorious woman.
HALONA - North American Indian: The fortune one.
HANNAH - Hebrew: Graceful one.
HARMONY - Latin: Concord, harmony.
HARRIET - Anglo-Saxon: The name for the mistress of the house.
HARU - Japanese: She who was born in the spring.
HAWA - West African: Tribal origin unknown: Lazy.
HAYLEY - Modern U.S.: Clever, ingenious one.
HAZEL - Old English: Hazelnut tree. Among the ancient people of Europe the hazel branch was an insignia of rulership.
HEATHER - Middle English: The heather flower or shrub.
HEDDA - Teutonic: A refuge in adversity.
HEIDI - Old German: Noble one.
HELEN - Greek: Light; a torch.
HELGA - Old German: Pious, religious, holy.
HENRIETTA - Germanic: She who rules the house.
HESPER - Latin: The evening star.
HESTER - Greek: Star.
HEZEKIAH - Hebrew: A name from the Old Testament.
HILARY - Latin: Cheerful one.
HILDA - Old German: A female warrior.
HOLLY - Old English: The decorative Christmas holly, or for a child born at Christmas.
HONEY - German: She who is sweet.
HONORIA - Latin: One who is worthy of praise.
HOPE - Old English: hope, expectation, desire.
HOSHI - Japanese: A star.
HYACINTH - Greek: She who is named after the flower.
IDA - Old German: Industrious one: or English: Eada. Prosperous, happy.
ILANA - Hebrew: Tree.
ILENE - A form of Eileen. See Eileen.
ILONA - Greek: Light.
ILSA - Teutonic: Noble maiden.
IMOGENE - Latin: An image.
INA - Irish: A form of Agnes. See Agnes.
INEZ - Spanish: A form of Agnes. See Agnes.
INGRID - Old Norse: Hero's daughter; beautiful.
IONA - Greek: A purple jewel.
IPHIGENIA - Greek: A young girl in Greek mythology rescued from sacrifice and taken to heaven.
IRENE - Greek: Peace.
IRIS - Greek: The rainbow,the iris flower.
IRMA - Latin: High ranking person; or Old German: Era-man. Honerable, noble person.
ISA - A British form of Isabel. See Isabel.
ISABEL - Old Spanish: Consecrated to God.
ISADORA - Greek: Gift of Isis.
ISIS - Egyptian: The heavenly throne.
ISOLDE - Celtic: Fair; or Teutonic: A female ruler.
IVANA - Hebrew: God's gracious gift.
IVORY - Latin: Named after ivory, or white.
IVY - Old English: Ivy vine.
JACQUELINE - Old French: The supplanter.
JADE - Spanish: Jewel; or Old English: A woman of uncertain temperment or repute.
JAMIE - Modern U.S.: Feminine form of James.
JANE - Hebrew: A feminine form of John. God is gracious.
JANEL - Gaelic: Darling, or dearest one.
JANET - English variation of Jane: See Jane.
JANICE - English variation of Jane: See Jane.
JASMINE - Persian: The jasmine flower.
JEAN - French: God is gracious. Also an English variation for Jane.
JENICA: A Romanian, feminine form of John.
JENNICA: English variation of Jenica.
JENNIFER - Old Welsh: White-cheeked, white wave, white phantom.
JESSICA - Hebrew: Wealthy one.
JEWEL - Old French: As a jewel, a precious gem.
JILLIAN - A form of Gillian. See Gillian.
JOAN - English variation of Jane: See Jane.
JOCELYN - Old English: The just one.
JODIE - A feminine form of Judah. See Judah.
JOSEPHINE - Hebrew: She will add; increaser.
JOSIE - Hebrew: A feminine form of Joseph. See Joseph.
JOY - Latin: The joyful one.
JOYCE - French: Joyful.
JUANA - Spanish: God's gift.
JUANITA - Spanish: A form of Joan, originally from Jane. See Jane
JUDITH - Hebrew: Praised.
JUDY - English variation of Judith: See Judith.
JULIA - Latin: Youthful one.
JULIET - English variation of Julia: See Julia.
JUNE - Latin: Born in June.
JUSTINE - Latin: The just one.
KACHINA - North American Indian: A sacred dancer.
KALI - Sanskrit: A dark goddess, or full of energy.
KALIKA - Greek: A rosebud.
KALINDA - Sanskrit: The sun, or bright and shinning.
KARA - A form of Katherine. See Katherine.
KAREN - Greek: Pure. Also a popular form of Catherine; see Catherine.
KARENA - Greek: The pure one.
KARIMA - North African: She who is generous.
KARLA - German variation of Caroline: See Caroline.
KATE - A diminutive of Katherine: See Katherine.
KATELINA : A form of Katherine
KATHERINE - English variation of Catherine: See Catherine.
KATHLEEN - English variation of Catherine: See Catherine.
KATIE: A variant form of Katy which is a pet form of Katherine.
KATRINA: A varient form of Catrina which in turn is a simplified form of Catriona.
KAY - Rejoycing.
KEELY - Celtic: She who is beautiful, slender.
KELLY - Irish Gaelic: Warrior-maid.
KENDRA - Old English: The wise one.
KERRY - Irish Gaelic: The dark-haired one.
KIBIBE - Swahili: Little lady.
KIM - Old English: Chief ruler.
KIMBERLEY - Old English: From the royal-fortress meadow.
KIMI - Japanese: She who is without peer.
KIRSTIN - Scandinavian form of Christine: See Christine.
KRISTA - Scandinavian form of Christine: See Christine.
KRISTEN - Scandinavian form of Christine: See Christine.
KRISTINE - English variation of Christine: See Christine.
LADY - Old English: The gracious woman.
LAILA - Hebrew: Night.
LAISA - African: Tribal name.
LAKEISHA - Modern U.S.: Gaining popularity but no meaning was ever given.
LALITA - Sanskrit: The pleasing one.
LANA - English variation of Helen: See Helen.
LANE - Middle English: Narrow road.
LANI - Hawaiian: A noble woman, a woman of high birth.
LARA - She who is famous, or worthy of praise.
LARAINE - Latin: Seabird; gull.
LARISSA - Greek: Cheerfull one.
LARK - Middle English: Named after the bird, or bright.
LATEEFA - North African: Tribe of origin unknown. She who is gentle, kind.
LATIKA - Hindi: Named after a feminine Hindi god.
LATOYA - A variant of Lakeisha: See Lakeisha.
LAURA - Latin: A crown of laurel leaves.
LAUREN - English variation of Laura: See Laura.
LAVERNE - French: Like the spring, fresh and bubbly.
LAVINIA - Latin: She who is from Rome.
LAWANDA - (LaWanda) A form of Joan. See Joan.
LEAH - Hebrew: Weary one.
LEANNE - Anglo-Saxon: Compound of the names Lee and Anne.
LEE - Old English: From the pasture or meadow. Also Irish Gaelic: Poetic.
LEILIANI - Polynesian: A flower of heaven.
LENA - Greek: Light, or lightness.
LENORA - A form of Helen. See Helen.
LEONA - Latin: The lion LESLIE - Scottish Gaelic: Dweller at the grey fortress.
LETITIA - Latin: Joy, gladness.
LIAN - Chinese: She who is graceful as a willow.
LIBBY - Hebrew: She who is promised to God.
LIDA - Slavic: She who is beloved by all.
LIEN - Chinese: Lotus, or lotus flower.
LILAC - Persian: Named after the flower.
LILITH - Babylonian/Assyrian: A woman of the night.
LILLIAN - Latin: A lily flower.
LILO - Hawaiian: The generous one.
LINA - Greek: Light, or brightness.
LINDA - Spanish: Pretty one, beautiful.
LINDSAY - Old English: From the linden tree island.
LISA - Modern English: Popular nickname for Elizabeth. See Elizabeth.
LIVIA - Hebrew: Lioness, or the short form for Olivia. See Olivia.
LOIS - Greek: A female warrior, mighty woman.
LOLA - Spanish: Strong. Also an English nickname for Delores: See Delores.
LONA - Middle English: The woman who is alone. The solitary one.
LORI - English nickname for Laura: See Laura.
LORELEI - Teutonic: The legendary siren who lures men to the rocks, to destruction.
LORRAINE - Teutonic: She who is brave in battle. Also Old German: Lothar-ingen. Place of Lothar. Lothar is an ancient warrior name meaning "famous army".
LORETTA - A form of Laura. See Laura.
LOTTA - A form of Charlotte. See Charlotte
LOTUS - Egyptian: Named after the lotus flower.
LOUISE - Old German: Famous warrior-maid.
LOVE - Old English: Tender affections.
LUANA - Hebrew: A female warrior.
LUCILLE - Latin: Light; or French: Shinning.
LUCINDA - English variation of Lucy: See Lucy.
LUCY - Latin: Bringer of light.
LUDMILLA - Slavic: She who is loved by everyone.
LUNA - Latin: The moon.
LYDIA - Greek: A woman of Lydia.
LYNN - Old English: A waterfall or pool below a fall.
LYSANDRA - Greek: Liberator of men.
MABEL - Latin: Lovable one.
MICHAELA - Hebrew: Who is like God.
MADELINE - Greek: From Magdela. Magdela, meaning elevated, magnificant.
MADONNA - Latin: My lady.
MAUVE - Italian: She who is fragile or delicate.
MAGNOLIA - French: She who is named after the flower.
MAISIE - Greek: She who is precious, like a pearl.
MAJ - Greek: A pearl, a form of Margaret. See Margaret.
MALIA - North American Zuni Indian: The bitter one.
MALINDA - Greek: Mild, gentle one.
MALLORY - Old German: Council army; army councelor.
MANDY - English nickname of Amanda: See Amanda.
MANDZE - West African: She who was born at night.
MANSI - North American Hopi Indian: A plucked flower.
MANUELA - Hebrew: God is with me.
MARA - Hebrew: She who is bitter, or sorrowful.
MARCELLA - Latin: She who is martial, or warlike.
MARCIA - Latin: Belonging to Mars; martial one.
MARGARET - Latin: A pearl.
MARIA - English variation of Mary: See Mary.
MARIAH - Variation of Marie: See Marie.
MARIE - English variation of Mary: See Mary.
MARIGOLD - Middle English: She who is named after the flower.
MARILYN - English variation of Mary: See Mary.
MARINA - Latin: She who is of the see.
MARISSA - Variant of Marisa, with the suffix (-issa), abstracted from the names such as Clarissa. See Marisa.
MARISA - 20th elaboration of Maria. The addition of (-isa) was added to the end from names like Lisa or Louisa. See Maria.
MARLENE - English variation of Madeline. See Madeline.
MARTHA - Aramaic: Lady or mistress. A woman of discretion, the queen of her home.
MARTINA - Latin: Martial, warlike one.
MARTINE - A form of Martina. See Martina.
MARVELA - Latin: The marvelous one, outstanding.
MARY - Hebrew: Bitter, or bitterness.
MASADA - Hebrew: Foundation or support.
MATHILDA - Old German: Mighty battle-maiden.
MATILDA - Teutonic: Strong, of great power.
MATRIKA - Hindi: Mother.
MAUDE - English: God's gift.
MAUREEN - Irish Gaelic: Little Mary. See Mary.
MAVIS - Celtic: The thrush, for a bird native to the British Isle.
MAXINE - Latin: A great woman, or the greatest.
MAY - Old English: Great one, or used for daughters born spring.
MAYA - Greek: Named after the messenger of the gods in Greek mythology.
MEARA - Irish: Merry.
MEGAN - Greek: Great mighty one.
MELANIE - Greek: Black or dark.
MELI - North American Zuni Indian: Bitter.
MELINDA - English variation of Malinda. See Malinda.
MELISSA - Greek: Honey, a bee.
MELODY - Greek: Song, beautiful music.
MERCEDES - Spanish: Mercies, compassion, pitty.
MERCY - Middle English: Compassion.
MEREDITH - Welsh: The guardian from the sea.
MERLE - Latin: Blackbird.
MERRY - Middle English: She who is very happy.
MIA - Italian: Mine, or a form of Michelle. See Michelle.
MICHELLE - French variation of Michaela: See Michaela.
MIKA - North American Indian: A wise little raccoon.
MICHIKO - Japanese: A wise and beautiful woman.
MILAGROS - Spanish: Miracles.
MILDRED - Old English: Mild counselor.
MILLICENT - English: She who brings comfort; Old German: Industrious one; Latin: Sweet singer.
MIMI - Teutonic: A strong opponent.
MINDA - Indian: Knowledge.
MIRABEL - Latin: A woman of uncommon beauty.
MIRANDA - Latin: admirable, extraordinary.
MIRIAM - Hebrew: Rebellious, strong-willed.
MISAE - North American Osage Indian: White hot sun.
MISTY - Old English: She who is covered in mist.
MOANNA - Polynesian: An ocean, or wide waters.
MOIRA - Greek: Goddess of fate and destiny; or Scottish: A form of Mary. See Mary.
MOLLY - English nickname of Mary: See Mary.
MONA - Greek: One, single one.
MONICA - Latin: Wise counselor.
MORA - Spanish: The little blueberry.
MORGAN - A form of Morgana. See Morgana.
MORGANA - Welsh: She who is at the sea's edge.
MORNA - Celtic: The beloved one.
MOYA - Celtic: The great one.
MURIEL - Greek: Myrrh; bitter.
MYRA - Greek: Abundance
MYRNA - Greek/Arabic: Named after myrrh, bitter or sorrowful.
MYRTLE - Greek: The tree, a sign of victory.
NADIA - Russian: Hope. Also Greek: Charming.
NADINE - Slavic: Hope.
NANCY - English nickname of Ann: See Ann
NAOMI - Hebrew: The pleasant one.
NARA - North American Indian: A place name.
NASCHA - North American Navaho Indian: Owl.
NATALIE - Latin: Birthday or natal day.
NATASHA - Russian variant of Natalie. See Natalie.
NATINE - African: A woman from the Natine tribe of West Africa.
NATIVIDAD - Latin: She who is from the nativity, born at Christmas.
NETANYA - Hebrew: God's gift.
NICOLE - Greek: Victorious army, victorious people.
NICOLETTE - Greek: The people's victory. Also a short form for Nicole. See Nicole.
NIKKI - English variation of Nicole.: See Nicole.
NINA - Spanish: Girl.
NITARA - Hindi: She who has deep roots.
NOELLE - French: Christmas, or a baby born at Christmas.
NOKOMIS - Native American: The daughter of the moon.
NOLA - Celtic: She who is noble, of high birth.
NORA - English nickname of Eleanore: See Eleanore
NORI - Japanese: Doctrine, or belief.
NORMA - Anglo-Saxon: A feminine form of Norman. See Norman; Latin: She who is normal, a peaceful version of model or patern.
NOVA - North American Hopi Indian: The buterfly chaser.
NURU - Swahili: Light.
NYDIA - Latin: From the nest, a safe place.
OCTAVIA - Latin: The eighth child.
ODELETTE - French: A little ode or lyric song.
ODETTE - Greek: Melody.
ODINA - North American Algonguin Indian: Mountian.
OLGA - Russian: Holy one.
OLINDA - Latin: Fragrant.
OLIVE - Latin: Olive tree or olive branch. The olive branch was the symbol of peace.
OLYMPIA - Greek: The mountain home of the gods.
OLIVIA - Variation of Olive: See Olive.
OONA - Latin: The first child, or child.
OPA - North American Chactaw Indian. Owl.
OPAL - Named from the gem stone.
OPHELIA - Greek: Help.
OPRAH - Hebrew: A fawn.
ORENDA - North American Iroquois.
ORIANA - Latin: The golden one.
ORPAH - Hebrew: A fawn.
PAGE - Greek: Child.
PALOMA - Spanish: The dove, of peaceful demeanor.
PAMELA - Greek: All honey.
PANDORA - Greek: She who is very gifted.
PANSY - French: A thought.
PASCALE - French: Passover or Easter.
PATIENCE - French: Endurance with fortitude.
PATRICIA - Latin: Noble one.
PAULA - Latin: Little. Small in stature but big in love and constancy.
PAULINE - English variation of Paula. See Paula.
PAZ - Hebrew: The golden one; or Spanish: Peace, peacefulness.
PEARL - Late Latin: A pearl.
PEGGY - An English variation of Margaret. See Margaret.
PENELOPE - Greek: Worker of the web; weaver.
PETRA - Latin: Rock. One standing and everlasting.
PETULA - Latin: The seeker.
PETUNIA - French: She who is named after the flower.
PHEBE - English variation of Phoebe. See Phoebe.
PHILENA - Greek: She who loves mankind.
PHILIPPA - Greek: The feminine form of Philip. See Philip.
PHILOMENA - Greek: A nightinggale, or strong friend.
PHOEBE - Greek: Bright one, brilliant one.
PHOENIX - Greek: The heron or eagle, or the rejuvenated and recarnated one.
PHYLLIS - Greek: A green branch, foliage.
PIA - Italian: Pious. She who is full of holiness.
PILAR - Latin: A column; Spanish: A basin.
POLLY - English nickname of Mary or Paula. See Mary or Paula.
POPPY - Latin: She who is named after the flower.
POSY - Old English: A small bouquet of flowers.
PRIMA - Latin: The best, or the first.
PRIMROSE - Latin: The first rose.
PRISILLA - Latin: From past or primitive times; of ancient birth.
PRUDENCE - Latin: She who is cautious and prudent.
PRUNELLA - French: A little plum.
PSYCHE - Greek: The soul.
QUEENA - Old English: A queen.
QUERIDA - Spanish: The beloved one.
RACHEL - Hebrew: A lamb.
RAE - Old English: A doe deer.
RAISA - Yiddish: A rose.
RAJA - Arabic: Hope.
RAMONA - Spanish or Teutonic: Mighty or wise protector.
RANDI - A feminine form of Randall. See Randall.
RAPHAELA - Hebrew: Healed by God.
RASHIDA - Arabic: The feminine form of Rashid. See Rashid
REBA - English nickname of Rebecca. See Rebecca.
REBECCA - Hebrew: Bound, yoke; faithful.
REGINA - Latin: A queen; queenly, royal.
RENATA - Latin: Born again.
RENE - English nickname of Renata. See Renata.
RENEE - French variation of Renata. See Renata.
RHEA - Greek: Earth.
RHODA - Greek: The rose. This name goes back to an unknown Oriental source. The rose is queen of all flowers.
RHONA - Scottish: The rough island.
RIMONA - Hebrew: Pomegranate.
RISA - Latin: Laughter.
RITA - Spanish variation of Margaret. See Margaret
RIVA - Old French: Riverbank.
ROBERTA - Old English: Shining with fame.
ROBIN - Anglo-Saxon: Bright fame.
ROCHELLE - French: From the little rock.
ROCIO - Spanish: Dewdrops.
ROHANA - Hindu: Sandalwood.
ROLANDA - Old German: From the famous land.
ROMAINE - Feminine form of Roman.
RONA - Gaelic: Seal.
RORY - Irish: Feminine form of Robert. See Robert.
ROSA - Italian form of Rose. See Rose
ROSALIA - Latin: Rose garlands used to drape ancient tombs.
ROSALIE - English variation of Rose. See Rose.
ROSALIND - Latin: Lovely rose.
ROSALINDA - Spanish: Beautiful rose. Irish: Little rose.
ROSANNA - English: Graceful rose.
ROSARIO - Spanish: A rosary.
ROSE - Greek: A rose.
ROSELANI - Polynesian: The heavenly rose.
ROSEMARY - Latin: Dew of the sea.
ROWENA - Old English: Famous friend.
ROXANNE - Persian: Brilliant one.
RUBY - Old French: The ruby gem.
RUDRA - Hindi: A plant whose berries are used to make rosaries.
RUFINA - Latin and Spanish: The red-haired one.
RUSTI - French: The red-haired one.
RUTH - Hebrew: Compationate, beautiful.
SABINA - Latin: A Sabine lady.
SABRA - Hebrew: A thorny cactus.
SABRINA - Latin: From the boundary line.
SACHI - Japanese: The girl child of bliss.
SADIE - English nickname of Sarah. See Sarah.
SAFFRON - Arabic: She who is named from the spice or yellow.
SAGE - Latin: Whole, healthy, wise, knowing.
SAHARA - Arabic: The moon.
SALENA - Latin: Salt.
SALLY - English nickname of Sarah. See Sarah.
SALOME - Hebrew: Short form for shalom, meaning peace, welcome.
SAMANTHA - Aramaic: A listener.
SAMIRA - Arabic: She who entertains.
SANDRA - English nickname of Alexandra. See Alexandra.
SAPPHIRE - Hebrew: She who is named after the precious gem.
SARAH - Hebrew: Princess.
SARANN - A combination of Sarah and Ann.
SASHA - Russian nickname of Alexandra. See Alexandra.
SAVANNA - Old Spanish: An open plain.
SCARLET - Middle English: Scarlet-colored.
SELENA - Greek: The moon or moonlight; or Latin: Heavenly.
SERENA - Latin: Fair, bright, serene one.
SERENDIPITY - Arabic: Good fortune or fortuitous circumstance.
SHAINA - Hebrew: She who is beautiful.
SHAMIMA - Arabic: A form Shamim. "Fragrance, Perfume."
SHANNON - Gaelic: The little wise one.
SHARISSA - Modern U.S. name. No meaning ever given.
SHARON - Hebrew: A princess.
SHAUNA - Modern U.S. name: No meaning given.
SHAWN - A feminine form of John. See John.
SHEENA - Irish Gaelic: God is gracious.
SHEILA - Irish Gaelic: Irish variation of Cecilia. See Cecilia.
SHELLEY - Old English: From the meadow on the ledge.
SHEERA - Hebrew: Song.
SHEREEN: English - Form of Cherie.
SHERRY - Popular US name or a respelling of Cheri: Cherished one.
SHERYL - English nickname of Charlotte. See Charlotte.
SHINO - Japanese: A slender stem of bamboo.
SHIRA - Hebrew: A variation of Sheera. See Sheera.
SHIRLEY - Old English: From the bright meadow.
SHOSHANAH - Hebrew: Rose.
SIBYL - Greek: A prophetess.
SIDNEY - English variation of Sydney. See Sydney.
SIMA - Hebrew: A treasure or prize.
SIMONE - French: A feminine form of Simon. See Simone.
SIRENA - Greek: A sweetly singing mermaid siren.
SONIA, SONYA - Russian: Wisdom.
SOPHIA - Greek: The wise one.
STACEY - English nickname of Anastasia. See Anastasia.
STAR - English: A star.
STARR - A form of Star. See Star.
STELLA - Latin: Star.
STEPHANIE - Greek: Crowned one.
SUMMER - Old English: She who was born of the season.
SUNNY - English: Bright.
SUSAN - Hebrew: Lily or graceful lily.
SYBIL - English variation of Sibyl. See Sibyl.
SYDNEY - Old French: From St. Denis, France.
SYLVIA - Latin: Girl from the forest.
TABITHA - Greek: Gazelle; a child of grace.
TAFFY - Welsh: A feminine form of David. See David.
TALA - North American Indian: Wolf.
TALIA - Greek: Blooming.
TALLULAH - Native American: Leaping waters.
TAMA - Japanese: Jewel.
TAMARA - Hebrew: Palm tree.
TAMMY - Hebrew: Perfection.
TANIA, TANYA - Russian: The fairy queen.
TANIS - English form of Tania or Tansy. See Tania or Tansy.
TANISHA - African: Tribal name.
TANSY - Middle Latin: (Tanacetum). "Tenacious one."
TARA - Irish Gaelic: Rocky pinnacle or crag.
TASHA - Russian nickname of Natasha. See Natasha.
TATUM - Middle English: Spirited.
TAWANA - North American Indian: Meaning unknown.
TERESA - English variation of Theresa. See Theresa.
TERI - English nickname of Theresa. See Theresa.
TERRY - English nickname of Theresa. See Theresa.
THALASSA - Greek: The sea.
THALIA - Greek: Joyful.
THEA - Greek: Goddess, or a short form for Dorothea. See Dorothea.
THELMA - Greek: A nursling.
THERA - Greek: Wild , untamed.
THERESA - Greek: Reaper.
THOMASINA - Hebrew: A twin.
THORA - Teutonic: Thunder.
TIFFANY - Greek: manifestation of God. Popular modern U.S. name.
TINA - English nickname of Christine. See Christine.
TIRZA - Hebrew: Pleasant.
TOBY - Hebrew: Good is good.
TOMASINA - Greek: The tiny twin.
TONIA - She who is wonderful beyond praise.
TONYA - A form of Tonia. See Tonia.
TOVA - Hebrew: Good.
TRACY - Latin: Bold or courageous.
TRISTA - Latin: The sorrowful one.
TRIXIE - English nickname of Beatrice. See Beatrice.
TUESDAY - Old English: She who was born on the third day of the week.
TWYLA - Middle English: Woven of double thread.
TYNE - Old English: A river.
UDA - Old German: Prosperous one.
ULA - Celtic: Jewel from the sea.
ULANI - Hawaiian: A cheerful woman.
UNA - Gaelic: She who is unique; Latin: One.
URSULA - Latin: A she-bear
VALENTINE - Latin: The healthy one.
VALERIE - Old French: Strong.
VANESSA - Greek: Butterflies.
VANNA - English nickname of Vanessa. See Vanessa.
VELMA - English variation of Wilhelmina. See Wilhelmina.
VENETIA - Italian: Mercy, or a woman of Venice.
VENUS - Latin: Loveliness, beauty. The goddess of beauty and love.
VERA - Latin: True.
VERENA - Latin: Springlike.
VERONICA - English variation of Bernice. See Bernice.
VICKI - English nickname of Victoria. See Victoria.
VICTORIA - Latin: Victory.
VIOLET - Old French: A violet flower.
VIRGINIA - Latin: Maidenly.
VITA - Latin: She who is full of life.
VIVIAN - Latin: Alive.
WANDA - Old German: Wanderer.
WELCOME - Old English: A welcome guest, or welcome arrival.
WENDY - English nickname of Wanda. See Wanda.
WHITNEY - Old English: A white island.
WILDA - Old English: The willow tree.
WILHELMINA - Old German: Resolute protector.
WILLA - Anglo-Saxon: She who is desired or admired.
WILLETTE - A feminine form of William. See William.
WILLOW - Modern U.S.: Graceful tree.
WILMA - A form of Wilhemina. See Wilhemina.
WILONA - Old English: She who is desired.
WINIFRED - Old German: Peaceful friend.
WINIWINI - Jeiji Tribe, West Africa: A delicate flower.
WINONA - Sioux Indian: First-born daughter.
WYNNE - Celtic: She who is fair or light skinned.
WYOME - North American Algonquin Indian: A large plain.
XAVERIA - Spanish Basque: Owner of the new house.
XENIA, XENA - Greek: Hospitable one, guest.
YAFFA - Hebrew: A beautiful woman.
YASMIN - A form of Jasmine. See Jasmine.
YESENIA - African: A tribal name.
YETTA - A form of Henrietta. See Henrietta.
YOKO - Japanese: She who is determined and ambitious.
YOLANDA - Greek: Violet flower.
YVETTE - English variation of Yvonne. See Yvonne.
YVONNE - Old French: Yew-bow.
ZAIDA - Arabic: The fortunate one, lucky one.
ZANDRA - English nickname of Alexandra. See Alexandra.
ZARA - Arabic: she who is as glorious as the dawn.
ZAYNAH - Arabic: She who is great.
ZELIA - Greek: Zeal.
ZETA - Hebrew: She who is from the olive tree.
ZINNIA - German: She who is named after the flower.
ZITA - Spannish: The little rose; French: The seeker.
ZIVA - Hebrew: She who is splendid.
ZOE - Greek: The life giver.
ZOLA - Italian: A ball of earth, or clay.
ZORA - Slavic: Aurora, dawn.
ZSA ZSA - A form of Zsusanna. See Zsusanna.
ZSUSANNA - A Hungarian form of Susan. See Susan.
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